Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day

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Today is the day my two last Hellraisers learn how to safely explode some fireworks. I honestly don't know who is looking more forward to it, them or their Dad.
Yep, this is gonna be a fun filled day as they torture their Mom with bottle rockets and those things that go "pow..pow..pow" like 7 million times..whatever the heck they are called...I can just feel it. :0)

Hope everyone has a great day!

Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!

Love, Kim


Shiela said...

Just stopping by to say "Happy 4th" to all of you. Sorry, Kim, but it made me smile, picturing Kody & Kolin. What would be worse for you? The firecrackers or balloons popping? :)

We're just hanging low today. Sure wish we could go to a local Air Show (the Blue Angels are here this year too) but our family is headed out of town tomorrow so between the time I need to pack and the cost of the show, we're -- sadly -- going to pass. Can't even make it to fireworks tonight. The closest show is 30 minutes away ... too bad for us!!

Have a HAPPY 4th!

Shiela in NY

Shiela said...

Mornin', Kim. We're headed out of town for several days so I wanted to stop by and say "have a great week".

Even though today's very special plans were postponed for you and Karl, I'm still going to think of you and be smiling. The intent is still there...after all, that's what "plans" means! :o)

Until later...

Shiela in NY


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