Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Best Moving Stress Buster Craving Ever

My world got pretty good tastin' around 7 PM last night when this came into my life...

pickle 003

A Boarshead Garlic Barrel Pickle from Publix.

It got even better when about 9 PM last when I dragged Karlio out so we could get some Double Stuff Oreo's. LOL!
No...I am not preggers, just very stressed to the max from weeding eleven years worth of stuff from our lives so we can move clutter free.
Saving every single piece of paper with crayon marks on it from six kids, what in the world was I thinking?

Anyway, back to the grind.

Have a great day everyone!!

Love, Kim


K said...

Hey Kim- with moving I'm not sure if you saw the news or not but the Granddaddy of Camp Boggy Creek, Bruce Rossmeyer died today.

He's the owner of the Harley dealers in Daytona and was the force behind the Camp Boggy Creek bike run every October. He spent alot of time with the kids there.

When I heard this I immediately thought of all the good times Kody and your family has had at Boggy Creek.

Amy said...

love pickles....hate moving


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