Friday, July 31, 2009

My Three Favorite "B's"

Backlight, Bokeh and The Bear. :0)


Lot's going on today, the furniture is being delivered this morning, Karlio's boss was totally kind enough to let him have one of the company pick up trucks for as long as we need it.
New six passenger pick up...hmmmmm, maybe we need it a month? LOL..I kid, I kid.
Electricity is being swapped. Beds being brought over.
Boys are still asleep and I am on the computer.
My name is Kim and I am a procrastinator.

Gotta go before I get caught. ACK!!!

Before I more of the "Dare Devil".
This was taken before the whole trampoline/tooth senerio.

Skaters 017

That boy, I swear. Hehe...

Have a good one everyone!!

Love, Kim


Shiela said... me stupid. What is Bokeh? (is that how you spelled it?) And now you can call me lazy because I didn't google it to find out!! ;-)

SOUNDS LIKE A KRAZY DAY TODAY! Sure is nice of Karl's boss to loan that truck. Speaking of trucks...wonder if the owner of that nice white truck liked that board balancing across it?! Good thing Kolin is coordinated...I would have had the wheels scraping down the side!!!

GOOD LUCK TODAY...I'll be thinking about you!!

Shiela in NY

Dot O said...

Beautiful first shot!! He's handsome. The second shot, well Kolin is adorable but I have to say that made me very nervous.....

Hope the move went smoothly, Kim.

Kim said... worries what you can't see is where I cropped his Dad out of the picture. He was standing right there next to him. :0)


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