Friday, June 13, 2008


"Red is the ultimate cure for sadness."
Bill Blass

What would the world be like without red in it.
Pretty boring to me. :0)



Beth L said...

Kim- I should take some pictures of some of our fire hydrants and send you. Our city, Mansfield, Ohio has just turned 200! All of the fire hydrants around have been painted red, white and blue for the occasion. They are all different.
Hoping you aren't going nuts yet with the kids out of school! Have a great weekend!

Beth L said...

Kim- I should take some picturea and send you of our fire hydrants around town. Our city, Mansfield, OH has just turned 200! For the Bicentennial occasion all of our fire hydrants have been painted red, white and blue. They are all different.
Hope you have a great weekend!


I totally agree! Which is why I have a red couch in my family room! It makes me happy everytime I see it! (Even if there is a teenager draped across of it most of the time! ;) )


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