Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Santa Boy

I can't believe I forgot to post this...the last of the Santa photos for the year. :0)

I wish I could stay on longer but Karl ought to be back from dropping Karyelle off at the airport at any time now, then he heads out for work.
Kayara is working today too so the little ones {Alona and Adri} will be here.
Thank goodness the boys go back to karate tonight...they have a whole lotta energy to burn off. :0)

Hope ya'all had a great day yesterday. I'll show you a lil' something I got yesterday from Karl a bit later on..gotta snap a photo before it's gone. Can you guess?

Love, Kim

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww :)

i hope you guys had a good christmas!

i'll take a picture of my bed with the jack skellington bedspread on it like you asked, but i want to clean my room first lol


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