Monday, October 19, 2009

Comfort Soup

I never did get to make it yesterday cuz Karlio and the boys brought home chicken stir fry fixins', so in a little while I'll get it started.
I don't have a recipe, just winging it.
I'll let you all know how it turns out. :0)

In the's one of Bear. Not a new one cuz honestly, I haven't been picking up the camera lately.
That's gotta change, I know.

Bear Being Bear

Have a great day all...TTYL!!


1 comment:

Shiela in NY said...

Hey, Kim. I do believe I accidentally backed out of my comment of this morning. Leave it to me.....

Anyway, I think that pumpkin cup is cute! I was going to try and stop yesterday at Starbucks but ran out of time. I was hoping they'd have something NON-CAFFEINE in that pumpkin spice flavor you've raved about. Oh, well. Maybe next trip to the city!!! :)

Hope you're all doing well.


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