I am happy to say, he is looking pretty sharp again and is smiling very big for anyone who will look at him. LOL!
Seriously, he is so happy...we all are!!
Many thank yous to Dr. J and his awesome staff for giving us our boys smile back again. We missed it a lot. :0)

It is still a little shiny but after about a week or so, it will blend in perfectly to his natural teeth.
Also, yes...Kolin will need braces one day. :0(
We have to wait for all his baby teeth to fall out and then...UGH...face that bill head on.
So, I got a new surprise yesterday. I'll post a picture tomorrow for everyone to see.
It's hot..hot..hot and I have already named her "Sparkly". LOL!!
Tomorrow morning "Sparkly" officially becomes mine. WOO-HOO!!!!!
Today's a Sams Club day so that will keep us kind of busy this afternoon.
Tonight the boys are all hyped cuz Karlio ordered "WWE Royal Rumble" for them and just told them about it this morning.
So, let's just say....they are tidying their rooms, making their beds, asking me if that can do anything for me, lol...I love it!! :0)
Oh, one more thing.
Kolin's new ADHD medication.
WOW!!!! Unbelievable, what a difference. He is focusing and learning and drawing.
Drawing? Yes...he has always been interested in drawing but now that he can sit still, it is being taken to new levels.
Yesterday I bought him an inexpensive sketch pad from Target and he has not put that thing down. His drawing, well...not to brag or anything, but for a 12 year old..they are amazing. So much detail, you wouldn't believe.
Kolin has what is called "Photogenic Memory". He can look at something and remember exactly what it looks like, in detail, so that he can walk away and draw it.
Plus, his school work has gotten so much better.
In Science this week, he was the only one in his class to score 100% percent on a fossil vocabulary test.
Pretty impressive since the calls genius didn't even score that high.
I'll tell you, honestly, normally I am anti-medication because I think it really is too freely given, however, there are kids like Kolin who benefit greatly from it.
I wonder if it will work for adults (like me) too? Hmmmm?? LOL!
Have a great day everyone!!