I've been asked quite a few times recently
"Hey, what about the other kids? What's going on with the rest of your crazy family?"Well, cuz I love you all and cuz you all hung out with me during the whole
Kim/Karlio/marraige/AA update recently, today I am going to give you the mother of all updates from the mother of all the peeps who need updating on.
Go pee, grab a drink, sit back and enjoy...but please remember it's all about keeping it real here, so don't be offended by anything I say.
We love you's, you's loves us. We're all family. We're just not your typical average blend in with the Jones' type family.
We have issues and we're cool with that.
We're also insanely lovable and we're cool with that too.
This is me, I'm Kim or as I'm known around here, "Isabella" or "Izzy" and on most days "Dizzy" or "Dizzy Izzy". This picture reflects me needing to touch up those roots...BAD!

This is my pyscho husband, Karl, or as you all know him,
"Karlio" or as I call him,
"Vinny". {hey, we are married and it's all about the role playing you know}. You can't see much of him, I don't get to see much of him either, Vinny works a lot.

Vinny doesn't like to be messed with. You mess with Vinny, you swim with the fishes. {role playing is so much fun, hehe}
Together we have six crazy, insane, over the top but fun to be around kids.
First we have Karyelle, or as we have always called her, "KK".
KK lives in NY, has a great career, is completely independent and vacations three times a year. We get to see her two out of those three.
She loves Kody the most. It's OK, the others have their faves too.
Second is Kayara.
Kayara married Travis and had Alona who will be 8 in June.
Then they got divorced and she met Arthur. They had Adriana who will be 3 in August and now they all live happily in South Florida.
I MISS MY GRAND BABIES!!!! Just sayin'....
FYI, Kolin is her fave.
Third we have Kyle James a/k/a Vinny Jr. God only knows this kid will need a blog entry all to himself but to make it short and sweet and in keeping it all real, let's just say this...
A few years ago Kyle got off drugs by landing himself in jail. When he got out he met Meghan. Meghan and Kyle had themselves a big Gothic wedding and not long after that he violated his probation and ultimately went left us for a five year vacation in prison leaving behind a pregnant wife. Just when things couldn't get any more worse, Damian James was born listing Kyle as the baby's Daddy. DNA tested proved Damian is not his son. Till this day Damian's birth certificate still lists him as the father. V Man and I have POA for Kyle and are getting that fiasco straightened out.
During this time, Kyle rekindled an old friendship with Beverly whom I consider my daughter and together they fell in love and she is perfectly happy to wait till 2013 for him. He btw is divorcing Meghan.
Since this is the short and sweet version, I'll give Kyle his claim to fame when on another day soon I'll give him the blog for the day.
I love that boy with all my heart, I just don't love what he's done with his life thus far. I know he will grow up one day, sadly he had to do most of his growing up behind razor wire.
But that's life and nobody has ever said life is fair.
Our fourth as you all know is Kaysha a/k/a Catalina.

Contrary to stupid idiotic rumors claiming she wears scrubs Halloween costumes, she really is practicing for her CNA license and tomorrow morning at 9 AM will be taking her State test. After that she is on to get her MA license. Who knows what the world will bring for her, but I do know after a rough start, only good things await that girl. Her sassiness gets her pretty much anything she wants and works for.
Our fifth kidlet, Kody a/k/a Vito.

As you know he is awesome, beautiful and a survivor. He loves school, his teachers, his friends and is now interested in pursuing community service to help, if he can, change the life of others less fortunate.
There will be more coming on that soon, I promise. :0)
Lastly we have Kolin a/k/a Victor.

Adorable, devious, funny and smart. You know how everyone says you save the best for last? In our case, I really believe I did. That boy just knows how to make me laugh, not just laugh but really from the gut laugh.
I have some awesome news about Kolin to share, but much like Kody yesterday...Kolin get's his time tomorrow.
I hope that's answered a few questions and tidied up some loose ends.
Have a beautiful day everyone and thanks for hanging with me through the craziness, the realness, the everything...YOU ROCK!!