Saturday was his first game of the year, they did great and Kolin...WOW..he's on defense this year, a nose something guard maybe, I don't know..I'm still learning. :)
I do know a great play when I see one and Kolin definitely raised the bar on that.
Here's what I saw....
A kid on the opposing team {Pine Hills} cathes the ball, breaks thru a whole bunch of kids and takes off like a bullet towards the touchdown area.
He's running all by himself, kids can't catch up with him, there is nobody around and he is pretty sure he's going to make that touchdown when out of nowhere....
My super long legged son breaks out of where ever he was and like a gazelle, makes a dash towrd that kid, gaining on him then Kolin leaps with his whole body, grabs him by the waist and BAM....opposing kid comes down with a crash and Kolin saved the game by avoiding that touchdown.
It was a proud moment I tell you. :)
Here's a few pictures from that day. I didn't bring my good camera so most were blurry. Mental note, lug out the good camera.
These were taken before the game. First one, right after practicing..

Chillin' with his friends...

Last one is when they walk out onto the's really cool to see...

Have a great day every...time to take the boys to practice and karate. :)