Very sorry that I am late in wishing everyone a Happy Valentines Day.
I hope you all had a beautiful one. :)

We definitely tried to make the best out of another holiday, not really a real holiday so it wasn't too bad.
My memories brought me back to Vinny, of course, and the way he would always say V-Day wasn't a real holiday and if he needed one day to prove his love for me, then he couldn't have loved me that much.
With that I'd always say "Sooooo, chocolate is out of the question?" and he would always say "No..go get yourself some the next day when it's half off".
LOL...silly little things like that make me laugh so much some days.
Kaysha moved back home for a while. The school she wants to go to is way closer, and it's actually really cool that I have a female around here all the time.
I love my boys but...WOW...they are boys.
Please pray, if you can for Bear.
He was recently admitted into the hospital again for shunt problems.
Lately he has found himself back into a depression, grieving is still weighing very heavy on him.
I'm taking him to see a new counselor tomorrow, he never really could bond with the first one. He's 16 and talking about puppies and rainbows and asking him to draw his feelings with a crayon just wasn't cutting it.
Anyway, he could really use some prayers, if you could. :)

Thank you. :)
Adriana, bless her heart...spends a lot of time here lately. I love having her around, it really helps take my mind off things.
Here's a recent picture of her, I'll put more up real soon.

Life continues to go on, as life does. The veil of grief hasn't lifted...not yet and that's OK by me.
I miss him more and more everyday.
I wish so bad to feel human again. Sometimes I wonder if that will ever really happen?
Take care everyone.