Anyway, since I've been MIA I've decided to blow this site up with a bunch of pictures...hope you all don't mind. :)
Summer is over (for the most part, it's still hot around here) and school is back in session.
July saw Madison turn one, yesterday saw Madison walking like a champ...nothing is going to slow her down now.
Yup, she's a little bit late in walking, but after us noticing that her ankles were turning in (mostly on the right) and that she was trying to balance on her arch...a quick trip to Stride Rite and a new pair of high top ankle supporting shoes..and well, less than a week later...that little lady took off.
Good luck with that Mom & dad. :)
Adriana turned six and started the first grade in a brand new school.
She is doing awesome...passing all her spelling tests, doing math like a pro and reading!! She's just going to soar this year, I know it. :)
Kolin is now 16 started tenth that kid, and love the way he is devoted to getting up and going to school everyday, but as we all know...we were all his age once and 6 AM combined with a 7:25 AM first period class are not always the best of combos.
Still, he does it and since art is his first class of the day and he loves it...he does great.
History too...that boy is a HUGE history buff.
Kody..yeah, our Kody...remember the kid with the round face, missing teeth, chubby cheeks, skateboard and spiky hair?
That kid is now a high school senior!!
Graduating Class of 2014...heck yeah!!!!!
Kody is into everything school related and this month is homecoming...he can't wait and in fact, has been helping with the school's float in the homecoming parade.
Lots of great things happening for this boy and oh yes...he is fully planning on going to college.
Makes a Mom's heart sing I tell ya. :)
Unfortunately, Kolin is anti-camera these days (unless it's taken in school and has a girl in it with him) so I have no recents of him....
But, the other three are still hams.
So..on with the pics...
These first ones are of the two "Glamdaughters" with their "candy store" theme {which was also Adri's 6th birthday theme} & also a couple of their teddy bears.
Next we have Bear's 18th "Finally Legal" pics...and no, he has still not given up his love of skateboards. :)
Many thanks to our local tattoo shop for letting us borrow their graffiti wall.
Kaysha has been doing great and I'll be taking her maternity pics in a couple of weeks. I can't wait for that as I have a couple ideas I want to do sooooo bad. :)
As I end this today, I just wanted to acknowledge the day, 9/11.
In memory of all those innocent people who lost their lives and to honor their families and the hero's who never thought twice about jumping in to help in any way possible...
I leave you with this video commercial made by Budweiser.
this commercial was only ran one time...never meant to profit from it but only to honor the victims of 9/11.
Honestly, it gave me is so beautiful. <3
With love...